
The construction of a free-standing Crisis Stabilization Unit and/or Behavioral Health Crisis Center to treat urgent or emergency psychiatric needs. Care would include stabilization services in a safe, structured manner with continuous 24-hour observation and supervision.

June 2024: A new location is currently under consideration.

May 2024:  A new location is under consideration that would allow the crisis center and mental health infrastructure to combine services under one roof.

April 2024:   A redesign of the master plan is underway to possibly lower the number of beds to 12 from the initial 20 bed proposal. The change will better fit the building’s current footprint. Employees with the Clayton Center are also working to update the facility’s future staffing plan.

March 2024: Potential changes to the building’s addition and overall design are in consideration.

February 2024: The masterplan for the new facility is complete and project cost estimates are expected to be submitted by Feb. 22.

January 2024: Following a meeting with Dr. Lee Adams at Clayton Center to discuss design concepts, Planning, Design and Construction received the master plan concept design from Jericho Design Group. The plans are under review. Jericho is planning to provide 100% Construction Documents by May 26.

December 2023:  Jehrico Design Group has provided a proposed interior floor plan for the building. Meetings to discuss the design with future users of the facility have been scheduled. The facility’s completion date has not yet been determined.

November 2023: A survey of the property is being conducted to determine the best location to build an estimated 5,000-6,000 square-foot addition. Meetings with Clayton Center directors, city representatives and architects are being held to decide the location of patient and staff areas.

October 2023: The building clean out has been completed and the facility has been mapped in preparation for the development of design documents.

September 2023: The clean out of the building’s interior is nearly finished. When complete, a meeting with the Jericho Group will be scheduled to begin developing interior design plans.

August 2023: Asbestos, drywall and insulation will be removed from the building this month. The work is expected to take four to six weeks. Following remediation, designers can begin their initial design drawings of the space.

July 2023: An architectural firm has been selected to assist with renovation plans for the Behavioral Health Crisis Center.

June 2023: The Invitation to Bid for asbestos abatement and environmental remediation closes on June 8. The county is currently in contract negotiations for design services.

May 2023: County staff is planning to present an award recommendation for renovation and addition design services to the Board of Commission in June.



$4.4 million

Commission District

District 2

Design Firm

Jericho Group

Served by Commissioner

Commissioner Gail Hambrick